To Place an order for any of our Merch Please Make your Donation via Pay Pal Button located above. Please include Mailing Address: To Make Purchase via Check Send Donation Check along with contact information To: K9 Services German Shepherd Rescue 3913 Little Dairy Road Green Cove Springs, Fl 32043
T Shirt Below is featuring Ben Franklin our K9 Rescue Ambassador Portions of every sale benefit our German Shepherds in Rescue To Purchase click on our Amazon Merch Store Link above Thank you for your Support
Hand Carved Puzzles Made in the USA All Breed Dog Puzzle $30 Shepherd Puzzle $20
K9 Rescue Ambassador Ben T Shirt $25 Donation
T Shirts "Legend Logo" Now Available.. $15 plus $3.00 Shipping and Handling Sweatshirts and Hoodie Zip up style jackets also Available $25.00 $3.00 Shipping and Handling lEGEND T SHIRTS ARE SOLD OUT NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Another Way you can Help our Sheps is Via Shop for your CAUSE Click on K9 Services German Shepherd Rescue if you Shop via the link below. Thank you for your Shep Shopping Support!